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There was conducted clinical research and analysis of monitoring visual and somatosensory evoked potentials during 5 years of follow-up in 30 patients with clinically isolated syndrome, in 25 of them the onset of the disease was observed with retrobulbar neuritis and 50 authentic with multiple sclerosis. There were found prognostically significant risk factors for the transition of clinically isolated syndrome into a reliable multiple sclerosis: an increase in the latent period of visual evoked potentials over R100 data healthy to 150±1,7 MS, P2 to 146±1,3 MS, N75 to 115±1,8 MS and a reduction in amplitude and increase in latency somatosensory peaks in multiple sclerosis during the year of observation, established their diagnostic value and high information to identify processes of demyelination in the brain and spinal cord.

About the authors

Vladislav V Synitsin

Ivanov state medical academy

Email: Vlad308@yandex.ru
department of neurology and neurosurgery 153012, Ivanovo, Sheremetevsky prospect, 8

Elena N Djakonova

Ivanov state medical academy

department of neurology and neurosurgery 153012, Ivanovo, Sheremetevsky prospect, 8

Ludmila V Synitsina

Municipal clinical hospital №3

153008, Ivanovo, Postyshev str. ,57/3


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Copyright (c) 2017 Synitsin V.V., Djakonova E.N., Synitsina L.V.

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