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The results of a study of the reciprocal organization features of adolescents with mental retardation are presented. The violation of the reciprocal organization, manifested in the violation of the dynamic organization of movements, their spatial organization, in violation of the kinetic and kinesthetic basis of the motor act, was revealed. Restoration of the reciprocal organization with mental retardation will allow optimizing the functioning of cognitive processes through the activation of the motor-movement link.

About the authors

Anna I Akhmetzyanova

Kazan Federal University

420008, Kazan, Kremlin St., 18

Vera B Nikishina

Kursk State Medical University

305040, Kursk, K.Marks St., 3

Ekaterina A Petrash

Kursk State Medical University

305040, Kursk, K.Marks St., 3

Elizaveta I Nikishina

I.M. Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University

119991, Moscow, Trubetskaya St., 8, building 2


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Copyright (c) 2017 Akhmetzyanova A.I., Nikishina V.B., Petrash E.A., Nikishina E.I.

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