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The article discusses the modern aspects of the organization of the central nervous system (CNS). First of all, the importance of cerebral connections is emphasized. It is discussed about the concept of the human connectome, the principles of its construction. The paper considers the mechanisms of the ability of forecasting events and creative abilities. It is clarified that in the functioning of the CNS the leading role plays the feature of the brain, related to its spontaneous rhythmic and chaotic activity. Separately is analyzed the resting state activity of the brain. The paper is dedicated to the global principle of the brain functioning- the achievement of the goal (i.e. communication) with minimal energy consumption. The article is concerned with the hypothesis about the discrete nature of the brain activation/functioning in connection with the occurrence of the “mixed-mode oscillations”. The processes of recovery after stroke are analyzed. The conclusion is that the currently received data allow to mark off a separate area in the field of neuroscience - system psychoneurology, which combines clinical, neuroimaging and mathematical data. This integrated approach opens new possibilities for researching the brain working.

About the authors

Igor V Damulin

I.M. Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University

Moscow Clinical Scientific Center 119021, Moscow, Rossolimo str., 11/1


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