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In order to study the course and prognosis for acute polymorphic disorder, the author has analyzed the features of post-psychotic period in 146 patients with these mental disorders. The clinical-dynamic, clinical and follow-up methods and psychometric methods were applied. Statistically significant differences in clinical and social structures of post-psychotic period in individuals with the investigated diseases have been identified. The results of this investigation point to a variety of possible outcomes: along with severe and disabling variants, a part of patients show a rather positive prognosis after the manifestation of disease, i.e. it could be a single episode without noticeable social consequences and with good functioning in the community.

About the authors

Elena O Kuleshova

Altai State Medical University

postgraduate student of the Department of psychiatry, medical psychology and narcology with the course of ATF and PRS 656038, Barnaul, Lenin’s Avenue, 40


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