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Particular qualities of 102 patients with exogenous-organic brain disease were analyzed to study the clinical-psychological and socio-demographic characteristics of combatants with combined forms of mental pathology. And 45 of them were identified as having neurotic disorders. We used clinical, psychopathological, clinical and anamnestic methods. Two groups were identified with a statistically significant difference of clinical-psychological and socio-demographic characteristics. Results of the study demonstrate a high level of neuroticism and introversion in patients with combined forms of pathology, a direct correlation was found between moderate introverts with family problems (r = 0,31) and the problems of the financial difficulties (r = 0,32), indicating difficulties in social adaptation of these patients.

About the authors

Sergei Yu Streminskiy

Altai State Medical University, Ministry of healthcare of the Russian Federation

Department of psychiatry, medical psychology and narcology 656038, Barnaul, Lenin’s Avenue, 40


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