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We have done the analysis of therapeutic preferences of alcohol or drug abuse therapists in the treatment of alcoholism and opioid addiction at the present stage. Through anonymous questionnaires we have received the results from 132 alcohol or drug abuse therapists. The questionnaire consisted of 72 questions that reflected the preferences of addiction specialists in pharmacotherapy and psychotherapy, and also the subjective assessment of patients’ attitude to the different methods of treatment. It was found out that alcohol or drug abuse therapists from psychotherapeutic techniques often use cognitive-behavioral and family counseling. About 80% of alcohol or drug abuse therapists continue to use with different frequency traditional but not scientifically proved methods (“coding” (alcohol or drug abuse hypnosis), simulation of “Anti addiction substance” (placebo) implantation, etc). Alcohol or drug abuse therapists widely use neuroleptics, antidepressants, anticonvulsants, normotimics, tranquilizers and nootropics, and in the treatment of alcoholism; these tools are used more often than in the treatment of drug addiction. Over 80% of alcohol or drug abuse therapists administer Disulfiram and Cyanamide, of which 48,2% are often Disulfiram and 45.5% - Cyanamide. More than 21% of alcohol or drug abuse therapists are given different forms of Naltrexone in the treatment of alcoholism, and in the treatment of drug addiction - more than 25%. Naltrexone for extended-release injectable suspension (Vivitrol) is known by the absolute majority of alcohol or drug abuse therapists, however, nearly half of doctors don’t use it or have minimal experience. Doctors with experience in the use of Vivitrol assess its efficiency as average, noting a weak manifestation of side effects. The main goal of treatment of patients with alcoholism and drug addiction, according to experts, is achievement of remission, although about one third of experts consider that the purpose of drug treatment may be reduction of utilisation of psychoactive substances and relief of abstinence. Doctors consider that unscientific methods of treatment are demanded by 39.2% of patients with alcoholism and 31.2% of patients with opioid addiction and treatment with Naltrexone are demanded by 4.5% and 9.4% of patients.

About the authors

Alexander G Sofronov

1) North-Western I.I. Mechnikov state medical university; 2) St. Petersburg research I.I. Ganelidze Insitute of emergency aid

1) 191015, Saint-Petersburg, Kirochnaya street,41; 2) 192242, St. Petersburg, Budapestskaya street, 3

Alla E Dobrovolskaya

North-Western I.I. Mechnikov state medical university

191015, Saint-Petersburg, Kirochnaya street,41

Alexei Yu Egorov

1) North-Western I.I. Mechnikov state medical university; 2) I.M. Sechenov Institute of evolutional physiology and biochemistry; 3) St. Petersburg state university

1) 191015, Saint-Petersburg, Kirochnaya street,41; 2) St. Petersburg, 19422, Тоrez Street, 44; 3) 199034, St. Petersburg , University embankment, 7-9


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Copyright (c) 2016 Sofronov A.G., Dobrovolskaya A.E., Egorov A.Y.

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