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The article presents data on personal characteristics, features of cognitive and affective disorders in patients having undergone cardiac surgery treatment with extracorporeal circulation. Significant frequency of anxiety and depressive disorders in cardiac patients before surgery in the absence of cognitive impairment was shown. We have examined the relationships of cognitive functioning and the level of NSE and protein S100b. Increased concentration of neuromarkers in the early postoperative period (12-48 hours) in 80-90% of patients was demonstrated. It is shown that normalization of neuromarkers during the first day after surgery is a favorable prognostic factor in restoring cognitive functions of patients. Clinical-and- scale evaluation revealed a positive effect of cardiac surgery treatment on cognitive and emotional sphere of patients at 15 days after surgery.

About the authors

Natalya N Petrova

St.-Petersburg state university

department of psychiatry and narcology 199106 St.-Petersburg, Vasiljevsky island, 21-st line, 8а

Rada S Kovaltsova

St.-Petersburg state university

department of psychiatry and narcology 199106 St.-Petersburg, Vasiljevsky island, 21-st line, 8а

Vladimir V Dorofeykov

North-Western V.A. Almazov medical research center

197341, St.-Petersburg, Akkuratov street, 2

Olga N Mashek

North-Western V.A. Almazov medical research center

197341, St.-Petersburg, Akkuratov street, 2

Andrei E Bautin

North-Western V.A. Almazov medical research center

197341, St.-Petersburg, Akkuratov street, 2

Dmitry M Tashkhanov

North-Western V.A. Almazov medical research center

197341, St.-Petersburg, Akkuratov street, 2


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Copyright (c) 2016 Petrova N.N., Kovaltsova R.S., Dorofeykov V.V., Mashek O.N., Bautin A.E., Tashkhanov D.M.

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