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With the use of the Mississippi Scale (civilian version) and Beck depression scale there was assessed the level of PTSD symptoms and depression among migrant workers who observe the canons of Islam and migrants of Western-oriented values. The survey data of 728 migrants revealed differences in the level of symptoms of PTSD and depression in the above two groups. It was found out that there is a favourable effect of religiosity as a kind of “antidepressant” in a group of migrant workers who observe the canons of Islam. At the same time, religiosity in a different culture, with different religious traditions, which do not allow migrants to fully satisfy their spiritual needs, is a stress factor leading to the development of PTSD symptoms. The authors draw attention of psychotherapists to the necessity of taking into consideration the spiritual and religious values of customers as one of the major contributing factors and progress in psychotherapy.

About the authors

Anatoly A Ovchinnikov

Novosibirsk State Medical University

department of psychiatry, narcology and psychotherapy Krasniy pr. 52, Novosibirsk, 630091

Aklima N Sultanova

Novosibirsk State Medical University

department of clinical psychology Krasniy pr. 52, Novosibirsk, 630091


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