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In 43 patients with tics at the age of 10-17 there was studied effectiveness of hopantenic acid usage in doses 500 mg x 3 daily during 6 weeks to correct their hyperkinesias. The therapy effectiveness was evaluated by Yale Global Tic Severity Scale (YGTSS). Hopantenic acid therapy significantly decreased the amplitude of somatosensory cortex evaluated by somatosensory evoked potentials method, normalized the situational and personal anxiety evaluated by Spielberg-Hanin scale. Therapy by hopantenic acid reliable decreased the summary severity of tics (р<0,03, p<0,02 in different groups of patients), defined by Yale scale (method of tics counting for 20 minutes), manifestations of situational anxiety (p<0,001; p<0,03), and increased volume of single aural-speech memory (p<0,01; p<0,05). Hopantenic acid therapy significantly decreased the amplitude of somatosensory cortex evaluated by somatosensory evoked potentials method (p<0,001; p<0,03). The technique of somatosensory evoked potentials using Yale scale for evaluation of the severity of tics can be used as an objective method to control the therapy.

About the authors

Valery P Zykov

Russian medical academy of post-graduate education

department of childish neurology 125993, Моscow, Barrikadny street, 2/1

Elmira A Kashirina

Children municipal polyclinic № 110

127490, Моscow, Dekabristov street, 39

Julia V Naugolnykh

Children municipal polyclinic № 110

127490, Моscow, Dekabristov street, 39


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Copyright (c) 2016 Zykov V.P., Kashirina E.A., Naugolnykh J.V.

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