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In recent years has been a considerable interest in the study of the neuropsychological basis of anorexia nervosa (AN). Significant number of research works is based on neuropsychological-oriented method, which is one the main tools of analysis of the relationship of the morpho-functional state of the CNS with mental processes and human behavior both in normal and in various pathological conditions. Neurocognitive deficiency identified in patients with AN is considered as a significant factor of the disease development, of its pathogenetic pathogenic mechanisms and causes of the significant number of adverse outcomes, despite the improvement of therapeutic interventions. This review summarizes the results of neuropsychological studies, modern views on the problem of neurocognitive deficits in patients with AN, an analysis and discussion of the data presented.

About the authors

Vitaly V Grachev

The Russian Medical Academy of Post-graduate education

Department of Childish Psychiatry and Psychotherapy 117393, Моscow, 5-th Donskoy street, 21 «а»

Yury S Shevchenko

The Russian Medical Academy of Post-graduate education

Department of Childish Psychiatry and Psychotherapy 117393, Моscow, 5-th Donskoy street, 21 «а»


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