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The aim of the investigation was to study clinic-psychological characteristics of somatized disorder with gastrointestinal manifestations (somatized disorder, somatoform autonomic dysfunction, in particular irritable bowel syndrome, hypochondriac disorder) and organic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (gastric ulcer, duodenal ulcer, ulcerative colitis) and the development of differentiated psycho-corrective treatment. Results of comparative evaluation of clinical-psychological peculiarities show existence of significant differences. patients with somatized disorders with gastrointestinal symptoms and patients with organic gastrointestinal diseases. The results of the comparative assessment of clinic-psychological characteristics show the existence of significant differences. Patients with somatized disorders of gastrointestinal manifestations use such psychological defense mechanisms as regression, and intellectualization. In them there was observed high level of trait anxiety. In organic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract there were mechanisms of regression, intellectualization, and reactive formation, high levels of trait anxiety, depression, and hypochondriac and alexithimic personality traits.The data obtained are of theoretical importance, confirm the existence of clinic-psychological differences in patients with somatized disorders with gastrointestinal manifestations and organic gastrointestinal diseases. They need to be considered when developing therapeutic interventions, medical therapy along with their inclusion in differentiated psycho-corrective approaches.

About the authors

Albert V Pogosov

Kursk State Medical University

Department of Psychiatry and Psychosomatics 305041, Kursk, str. К. Marx, 3

Yuliya V Bogushevskaya

Kursk State Medical University

Department of Psychiatry and Psychosomatics 305041, Kursk, str. К. Marx, 3

Alina A Maltseva

Kursk State Medical University

Department of Psychiatry and Psychosomatics 305041, Kursk, str. К. Marx, 3


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Copyright (c) 2016 Pogosov A.V., Bogushevskaya Y.V., Maltseva A.A.

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