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Results of research of personal functioning and perception of a family situation of 234 close relatives (fathers, mothers, brothers, sisters, wives) of patients with heroin addiction are presented,revealed with application of cluster analysis. The existence of interrelation of a personal dysfunctionality and characteristics of perception of a family situation of relatives of patients with drug addiction is established. There were described three main scenarios of psychological adaptation of relatives to addiction of a family member. The first scenario is characterized by relatives’ attempts to use maximally social forms of interpersonal interaction and thus to limit psychological trauma, caused by social stigmatization. The second one is connected with the attempt of super-rational overcoming of difficult life situation due to strict organization of family relations and extreme motivation of the family members for achievement of normal cultural values. The third one is characterized by refuse from both family interaction and social interaction. Importance of further study of the factors, influencing family and personal functioning of the patient’ is stressed. The obtained data can provide guidance for directed psychotherapeutic and psychosocial interventions for relatives of patients with addictive disorder.

About the authors

Viktor V Bocharov

V.M. Bekhterev Saint Petersburg Psychoneurological Research Institute

192019, St. Petersburg, Bekhterev street, 3

Alexandra M Shishkova

V.M. Bekhterev Saint Petersburg Psychoneurological Research Institute

192019, St. Petersburg, Bekhterev street, 3

Evgeny M Krupitsky

V.M. Bekhterev Saint Petersburg Psychoneurological Research Institute

192019, St. Petersburg, Bekhterev street, 3

Alexandr Ya Vuks

V.M. Bekhterev Saint Petersburg Psychoneurological Research Institute

192019, St. Petersburg, Bekhterev street, 3

Olga V Yakovleva

Contract Research OrganizationPSI CRO AG

191119, St. Petersburg, Dostoevsky street, 19/21


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Copyright (c) 2016 Bocharov V.V., Shishkova A.M., Krupitsky E.M., Vuks A.Y., Yakovleva O.V.

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