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Spectrum-oriented approach of the assessment and the diagnosis of the psychological states and mental disorders were presented. The authors singled out the borderline, spectrum, and its content has been analyzed. The clinical and psychoanalytical analysis of the signs of the borderline spectrum and its psychotic decompensation was provided. The special attention was focused on the sub-catatonic variant of the decompensation of the borderline personality organization.

About the authors

Tsaezar P Korolenko

Novosibirsk state medical university

630091, Novosibirsk, Кrasny prospect, 52

Tatyana A Shpiks

Novosibirsk state medical university

630091, Novosibirsk, Кrasny prospect, 52


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Copyright (c) 2015 Korolenko T.P., Shpiks T.A.

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