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Psychometric method of flexible battery was used both for researching qualitative and quantitative features of Internet usage and attitude towards Internet; and the indicators of social adaptation, psychic health and somatization among universities students of Ufa. More than a quarter of respondents are on the eve of Internet-addiction, more than a half show the features of emotional discomfort and nearly 40% demonstrate the features of various socio-psychological disorders and their intensity. Clinical signs of anxious and depression demonstrate an imperceptible number of students-Internet users. But 40% of respondents expressed sufficient problems in neuropsychic sphere; at that the sleeplessness is prevailing. Average number of students-computer users had shown somatization features with prevailing complaints on sense of vision and fatigability, back and arm aches. Research results prove the states on features developing of computer user’s syndrome among students and register sufficient necessity of the further research of Internet-addiction behavior of students.

About the authors

Linar R Bakirov

Bashkir State Medical University

department of psychiatry and psychotherapy 450080, Ufa, Mendeleev str., 136/5a


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