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Due to the improvement of resuscitation technologies growth of the persons which drove out of critical conditions is noted. More than a half of them have the permanent neuromuscular violations which appeared in the office of intensive therapy, and significantly limit physical activity of these patients further. The etiology of a polyneuromyopathy of critical conditions (PMKS) can be explained by many factors and is also connected both with the direct reasons which are directly defining defeat of the neuro and muscular device, and mediated, connected with the patient’s immobility of a patient in the critical condition. The undertaken review allows to present a situation concerning an etiology, pathogenesis, epidemiology, diagnostics and medical strategy of patients with PMKS.

About the authors

Rustem T Gaifutdinov

Kazan state medical University

Email: Gaifutdinov69@mael.ru
Department of neurology, neurosurgery and medical genetics Каzan, Butlerov street, 49


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