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Coordination disorders in patients with MK1 found in 73.3% of patients and an objective common to 40.6% without complaint were shown. Vertigo is the debut display of nearly 50% of cases. In addition to non-systemic nature of dizziness (44.7%), with MK 1 common vertigo was observed in 34.2% of patients with complaints of dizziness. The delimitation of the nature of dizziness was the most informative impulse test, revealing the peripheral nature of dizziness in 59% of patients with symptomatic group. Phenotype dizziness, similar to the positional and DPPG can be an expression of MK 1, occurring at the 13.1% of the patients.

About the authors

Dmitry N Dunin

Kazan State Medical University

Department of Neurology and Rehabilitation 420064, Kazan, Orenburg tract 138

Elena G Mendelevich

Kazan State Medical University

Email: emendel@mail.ru
Department of Neurology and Rehabilitation 420064, Kazan, Orenburg tract 138

Laysan K Valieva

Kazan State Medical University

Department of Neurology and Rehabilitation 420064, Kazan, Orenburg tract 138


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Copyright (c) 2015 Dunin D.N., Mendelevich E.G., Valieva L.K.

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