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The article presents the results of a psychological examination of patients of aesthetic surgery departments, applied on the facial surgery (plastic ears, nose, blepharoplasty, face lift oval). A description of their personality characteristics that influence the decision about cosmetic surgery was given. New data about the features of self-perception of appearance, self-esteem and level of aspiration in this group of patients were obtained. The main directions of psychological support in order to increase the level of satisfaction and results of surgical intervention were considered.

About the authors

Tatiana I Kireyeva

Samara State Medical University

443099, Samara, Chapaevskaya str., 89 443099, г. Самара, ул. Чапаевская, д.89

Alexandr E Makhlin

Medical clinic «Harmony»

443034, Samara, Sevastopol str., 35


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Copyright (c) 2015 Kireyeva T.I., Makhlin A.E.

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