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The features of anxiety and depressive disorders in patients with Parkinson’s disease in Republic of Bashkortostan according to sex, clinical form, age of onset, daily activities and the degree of movement disorders have been studied. It is found that anxiety and depressive disorders are prevalent in female patients. It is shown that the possible risk factors for anxiety and depressive disorders, in addition to a female, are low levels of daily activity and a high degree of motor impairment. Anxiety is significantly more often detected in patients with akinetic-rigid and rigid-trembling forms, and depression - in patients with akinetic-rigid-trembling form. Dependence on the age of manifestation was found only in men.

About the authors

Gulnara N Akhmadeeva

1) Republic Clinical Hospital named after G.G. Kuvatov; 2) Institute of Biochemistry and Genetics of Ufa science centre RAS

1) 450005, Ufa, Dostoevskogo str., 132; 2) 450054, Ufa, Prospekt Oktjabrja, 71

Gulnaz N Tayupova

Republic Clinical Hospital named after G.G. Kuvatov

450005, Ufa, Dostoevskogo str., 132

Azamat R Bajtimerov

Bashkir State Medical University

кафедра неврологии с курсами нейрохирургии и медицинской генетики 450000, Ufa, Lenina str., 3

Rim V Magzhanov

Bashkir State Medical University

кафедра неврологии с курсами нейрохирургии и медицинской генетики 450000, Ufa, Lenina str., 3

Irina M Hidijatova

Institute of Biochemistry and Genetics of Ufa science centre RAS

450054, Ufa, Prospekt Oktjabrja, 71

Jelza K Husnutdinova

Institute of Biochemistry and Genetics of Ufa science centre RAS

450054, Ufa, Prospekt Oktjabrja, 71


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Copyright (c) 2015 Akhmadeeva G.N., Tayupova G.N., Bajtimerov A.R., Magzhanov R.V., Hidijatova I.M., Husnutdinova J.K.

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