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The article is devoted to the analysis of new psychiatric reality. It is noted that for the last decades the ratio of incidence of mental and addictive disorders which makes one to two has now cardinally changed. The increase in number of psychotic disorders, owing to the use of “new (design) drugs” without dependence signs is noted. The problem of frequency rising of shizophrenoformic psychotic disorders needs special studying. The analysis of a possible role of cannabins and psychostimulans in a schizophrenia etiopathogenesis is important. The question of ethical validity and expediency of studying of therapeutic effects of psychoactive drugs in cases of resistant psychopathological symptoms needs closer attention too.

About the authors

Vladimir D Mendelevich

Kazan State Medical University

Department of Medical andGeneral Psychology 420012, Kazan, Butlerov St., 49


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