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The quality of life (QOL) of patients with cardiostimulators (CS) implanted in childhood has been studied from the standpoint of subjective satisfaction with the level of physical, mental and social functioning. QOL of patients with CS and of those who are undergoing conservative therapy is mediated by interaction of a number of socio-demographic, clinical, and personal and psychological factors. A significant contribution to the reduction of QOL of patients in both groups is introduced by the factor of mental and emotional condition that causes the relevance of psychological treatment.

About the authors

Natalia N Petrova

St.- Petersburg State University

Email: petrova_nn@mail.ru
the Department of Medicine, the Chair of Psychiatrics and Addictology Building 8a, Line 21 of Vasilevsky Island, St.-Petersburg, 199106

Valeria S Sysoeva

St.- Petersburg State University

the Department of Medicine, the Chair of Psychiatrics and Addictology Building 8a, Line 21 of Vasilevsky Island, St.-Petersburg, 199106

Elena S Vasichkina

Almazov Federal Cardiology/Haematology/Endocrinology Center

Building 2, Akkuratova Street, St.-Petersburg, 197341

Dmitry F Egorov

Pavlov State Medical University of St.-Petersburg

the Chair of Cardiology Building 6/8, Lev Tolstoi Street, St.-Petersburg, 197022

Oleg L Gordeev

City Clinical Hospital 31

Building 3, Dinamo Avenue, St.-Petersburg


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Copyright (c) 2015 Petrova N.N., Sysoeva V.S., Vasichkina E.S., Egorov D.F., Gordeev O.L.

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