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The article presents data on the prevalence of sexually transmitted infections in patients of psychiatric hospital. We present the social characteristics of the study group, features of the addictive behavior and the structure of mental disorders. We have found that the prevalence of HIV infection among patients of a psychiatric hospital was higher than the average rate of HIV infection in Russia and St. Petersburg in 2013. The prevalence of syphilis was also higher than the average rate in Russia.

About the authors

Natalia N Petrova

St. Petersburg State University

Department of Psychiatry and Narcology 199034, St. Petersburg, University embankment, 7-9

Egor M Chumakov

St. Petersburg State University

Department of Psychiatry and Narcology 199034, St. Petersburg, University embankment, 7-9


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Copyright (c) 2015 Petrova N.N., Chumakov E.M.

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