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Aim of this review is to understand connection of chronic musculoskeletal pain and cardiovascular and metabolic risk factors, including metabolic syndrome obesity. The existing scientific evidence indicates that there may be common pathophysiological features explaining the existence of both musculoskeletal pain and cardio metabolic risk factors. However, the causal relationships are not clear and the findings are partly controversial leaving doubts for intervening variables such as depression.

About the authors

Pekka Mäntyselkä

University of Eastern Finland

Institute AI Virtanen 70211, Kuopio, POBox 1627 / Neulaniementie 2

Rashid A Giniatullin

1) University of Eastern Finland; 2) Kazan (Volga Region) Federal University

1) Institute AI Virtanen; 2) Institute of Basic Medicine and Biology 1) 70211, Kuopio, POBox 1627 / Neulaniementie 2; 2) 420008, Kazan, The Kremlin, 18


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Copyright (c) 2014 Mäntyselkä P., Giniatullin R.A.

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