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This review presents recent data concerning possible causes and the main conditions of post-stroke pain in the shoulder. Diagnostic aspects of post-stroke pain in the shoulder joint are considered. Review presents current concepts according to foreign and domestic authors on basic physiotherapy techniques of physical therapy for pain in the shoulder after acute lesion of cerebral circulation. There has been made an analysis of methods of rehabilitation treatment of patients with this pathology.

About the authors

Tatiana P Shagivalieva

Kazan state medical university

the chair of neurology and rehabilitation 420012, Kazan, Butlerov street, 49

Guzel K Starostina

Kazan state medical university

the chair of neurology and rehabilitation 420012, Kazan, Butlerov street, 49

Liliy A Muhamadeeva

The republican clinical hospital of Health Ministry of RT

420064, Kazan, Orenburgsky tract, 138


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Copyright (c) 2014 Shagivalieva T.P., Starostina G.K., Muhamadeeva L.A.

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