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There was performed an analysis of literature, devoted to periventricular hemorrhage (PVH), being the result of fragile blood vessels and unstable circulation in the brain of premature infants, which is the cause of main neurological disorders. It was shown that during PVH hemorrhage originates from subependymal germinal matrix. The germinal matrix is formed early during embryogenesis and is the site of glial and neuronal differentiation. At present no treatment and prevention modalities of both acute PVH and its consequences are developed.

About the authors

Dina D Gainetdinova

Каzan State Medical University

Department of neurology, neurosurgery and medical genetics 420012, Каzan, Butlerov street, 49

Leisan K Karimova

Chillren republican clinical hospital of Health Ministry of RT

420138,Каzan, Оrenburgsky tract, 140


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