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There was presented a review of literature, devoted to epidemiologic, clinical and neurovisual peculiarities of tumor-like multiple sclerosis after study of results of some major researches. There were revealed diagnostic features of functional research methods, which allow differentiating tumor-like multiple sclerosis from the tumor one. Morphological peculiarities of tumor-like multiple sclerosis have been analyzed and supporting points for diagnosis of this rare form of the disease have been established.

About the authors

Irina F Hafizova

Каzan State Medical University

Email: sclerdissem@mail.ru
Department of neurology, neurosurgery and medical genetics 420012, Каzan, Butlerov street, 49

Vasil A Аbduljanov

Каzan State Medical University

Department of pathological anatomy 420012, Каzan, Butlerov street, 49

Аlbina R Hakimova

Каzan State Medical University

Department of neurology, neurosurgery and medical genetics 420012, Каzan, Butlerov street, 49

Eduard Z Yakupov

Каzan State Medical University

Department of neurology, neurosurgery and medical genetics 420012, Каzan, Butlerov street, 49


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Copyright (c) 2014 Hafizova I.F., Аbduljanov V.A., Hakimova А.R., Yakupov E.Z.

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