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There were described modern methods of medical therapy of refractory migraine, being a clinical variation of the migraine, in which there is absence or minimal effect of the standard therapy with the proved efficacy both for attacks prevention and for coping them. Due to this therapeutic tactics of this category of patients is rather difficult for neurologists. Multidisciplinary approach is the basis of long-term and stable clinical improvement, when rational combined pharmacotherapy is coupled with a big range of nonmedicinal drugs.

About the authors

Evgenia V Ekusheva

The first I.M. Sechenov Moscow state medical university

laboratory of vegetative system pathology 119991, Моscow, Trubetskaya street, 8, building 2

Igor V Damulin

The first I.M. Sechenov Moscow state medical university

department of nervous diseases and neurosurgery 119991, Моscow, Trubetskaya street, 8, building 2


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