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The aim of the study was to determine the quantitative content and correlation between metabolites in the core ischemic zone, the ischemic penumbra and the intact tissue of the opposite hemisphere in the acute stage of ischemic stroke using MR-spectroscopy. We studied 72 patients, including 37 patients (the main group) treated with the antioxidant mexidol (2-ethyl-6-methyl-3-hydroxypiridine succinate) in addition to standard therapy and 35 patients who received standard therapy only. The severity of stroke was assessed using the NIHSS. The Barthel index and Rankin scale were used to evaluate functional outcome in the 30th day, hydrogen MR-spectroscopy was used twice: in the first 24 h from disease onset and in the 5th day. Mexidol used in dose 500 mg intravenously during 14 days reduced significantly the content of lactate (p=0.002) and inositol (p=0.005) in the cells compared to the control group that enhanced the restoration of the balance between aerobic and anaerobic mechanisms of oxidation and positively influenced on the rehabilitation of patients. Positive correlations between the content of lactate in the ischemic penumbra and NIHSS scores (r=0.5786; p=0.049) and the negative correlation between the content of lactate in the ischemic penumbra and the degree of functional restoration assessed by the Barthel index (r= -0.6305; p=0.028) were found. These findings support the evidence for the interaction between the disturbance of glucose metabolism in conditions of hypoxia and the degree of nervous tissue damage.

About the authors

Miroslav M Odinak

Kirov Military Medical Academy

department of nervous diseases 194044, St. Petersburg, Academician Lebedev Street 6

Staniskav N Yanishevskii

Kirov Military Medical Academy

department of nervous diseases 194044, St. Petersburg, Academician Lebedev Street 6

Nikolay V Tsygan

Kirov Military Medical Academy

department of nervous diseases 194044, St. Petersburg, Academician Lebedev Street 6

Sergei Yu Golokhvastov

Kirov Military Medical Academy

department of nervous diseases 194044, St. Petersburg, Academician Lebedev Street 6

Igor A Vozniuk

Kirov Military Medical Academy

department of nervous diseases 194044, St. Petersburg, Academician Lebedev Street 6

Artem G Trufanov

Kirov Military Medical Academy

department of nervous diseases 194044, St. Petersburg, Academician Lebedev Street 6


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Copyright (c) 2014 Odinak M.M., Yanishevskii S.N., Tsygan N.V., Golokhvastov S.Y., Vozniuk I.A., Trufanov A.G.

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