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In this review we present basic data on the biological role of different types of pain, and how pain is generated in the peripheral part of the nociceptive system. Many issues of peripheral nociception, which have a specific regional character, become clear only recently, thanks to new molecular and cellular technologies. Uncovering the molecular nature of pain transducers allows us to search now for specific analgesics and this gives us a hope that these new agents will reach the stage of wide clinical applications for the treatment of acute and chronic pain. This review precedes a series of other articles devoted to pain studies to be published in this and in the subsequent issues of the journal Nevrologicheskii Vestnik.

About the authors

Ksenia S Koroleva

Kazan (Volga Region) Federal University

Institute of Basic Medicine and Biology 420008, Kazan, The Kremlin street, 18

Raisa R Giniatullina

University of Eastern Finland

AI Virtanen Institute 70211, Kuopio, POBox 1627 / Neulaniementie 2

Rashid Askhatovich Giniatullin

1) Казанский (Приволжский) федеральный университет; 2) Университет Восточной Финляндии

1) Институт фундаментальной медицины и биологии; 2) Институт им. А.И. Виртанена 1) 420008, г. Казань, ул. Кремлевская, д.18; 2) 70211, Куопио, P.O.Box 1627/Neulaniementie 2


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Copyright (c) 2014 Koroleva K.S., Giniatullina R.R., Giniatullin R.A.

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