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According to the objectives based on the analysis of the results of static and dynamic stabilography it was found that early manifestations of violations of maintaining a vertical posture in patients with mild cognitive disorder are signs of a slowdown in postural response: reduce the number of «errors», i.e. attempts of active stabilization of the platform and increase the average time postural response (p<0,0005), revealed at dynamic stabilography in the mode with closed eyes without acoustic and visual biofeedback.

About the authors

Emilia К Sidorovich

The Republican Academic and Research Centre of Neurology and Neurosurgery

Republic of Belarus, 220014, Мinsk, F.Skorina street, 24

Sergei А Likhachev

The Republican Academic and Research Centre of Neurology and Neurosurgery

Republic of Belarus, 220014, Мinsk, F.Skorina street, 24

Natalya N Klishevskaya

The Republican Academic and Research Centre of Neurology and Neurosurgery

Republic of Belarus, 220014, Мinsk, F.Skorina street, 24


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Copyright (c) 2014 Sidorovich E.К., Likhachev S.А., Klishevskaya N.N.

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