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On the basis of thermoimpedancemetry of liquor there were developed diagnostic and prognostic criteria of a degree of cerebral defeat and of a degree of a permeability of hematoencephalical barrier, as well as current and the forecast of an outcome of disease at a vascular encephalopathy. Parameters of liquor from 29 patients with vascular defeats of a brain were carried out. Parameters of phase transition in liquor show correlation with a degree of infringement of a hematoencephalical barrier and a damage rate of brain. Parameters of thermo-impedancemetry reflect a degree of defeat of brain at vascular pathologies and can be used as diagnostic and prognostic criteria.

About the authors

Natalia E Ivanova

Russian A.L. Polenov Neurosurgical Institute

191914, St. Petersburg, Маjakovsky str., 12

Evgeny B Shadrin

Ioffe Physical-Technical Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences RAMS

194021, St. Petersburg, Polytechnic str., 26

Natalya L Vaskova

Russian A.L. Polenov Neurosurgical Institute

191914, St. Petersburg, Маjakovsky str., 12

Marina E Pashkevich

St. Petersburg state polytechnical university

195251, St. Petersburg, Polytechnic street, 29


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Copyright (c) 2014 Ivanova N.E., Shadrin E.B., Vaskova N.L., Pashkevich M.E.

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