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There was studied the state of the autonomic nervous system (ANS) in 213 juveniles aged 15-16 years in the period of retention after active orthodontic treatment with the help of retained hardware. The dependence of the recurrence of the functional state of autonomic nervous system and the adaptive-mechanisms was determined. A relapse in the period following the active orthodontic retention treatment occurs in patients with high voltage and overvoltage of autonomic reactivity followed by the mismatch of ANS control and decreased adaptive capacity of the body and phenomena of vegetative dysfunction.

About the authors

Dilyara R Singatullina

Open Society «Zubotehnichesky laboratory of stomatologicpolyclinic № 9»

Kazan, Gagarin’s street, 20а

Nailya Kh Hamitova

Kazan State Medical University

Childish department of stomatology 420000, Kazan, Butlerov street, 49

Маksum F Ismagilov

Kazan State Medical University

Department of neurology, neurosurgery and medical genetics 420000, Kazan, Butlerov street, 49


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Copyright (c) 2014 Singatullina D.R., Hamitova N.K., Ismagilov М.F.

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