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There were studied features of the pregnancy course, birth, status of newborns in the group of mothers with epilepsy. It was shown that in mothers with epilepsy significantly more frequently such adverse factors of pregnancy, as anemia, toxemia, pyelonephritis, and the threat of miscarriage were revealed. The conclusion about the need for timely planning of pregnancy in women with epilepsy, in order to prevent complications of pregnancy and childbirth, as well as to reduce the likelihood of hypoxic-ischemic and traumatic lesions of the Central nervous system of the fetus has been made.

About the authors

Dmitry V Morozov

Kazan State Medical Academy

Child neurology department 420012, Каzan, Мushtari street, 11

Konstantin Yu Mukhin

St. Luka’s Institute of Child Neurology & Epilepsy

Moscow, Russia, Borisovsky ponds, house 13, building 2


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Copyright (c) 2014 Morozov D.V., Mukhin K.Y.

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