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There were studied and statistically processed the archives of the psychiatric hospitals of Moscow, during the period 2007-2013 of 296 died schizophrenic patients. There was described the somatic morbidity rate at the moment of admission to hospital, causes of death and age mortality peculiarities of schizophrenic patients. It was demonstrated the prevalence of cardiovascular disorders, respiratory diseases and oncopathology that lead to death of schizophrenic patients.

About the authors

Vladimir O Shepin

National scientific-research institute of public health RAMS

Moscow, Vorontsovo Pole street, 12, building 1

Anton V Masyakin

Department of health protection of Moscow

Моscow, Оruzhejny street, 43


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Copyright (c) 2014 Shepin V.O., Masyakin A.V.

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