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In patients with delirium tremens complicated by polyneuropathy there were studied the content of biogenic monoamines in blood and urine, activity of platelet monoamine oxidase-B (MAO-B), tribulin activity of urine and the level of free radical oxidation. It was found that the magnitude of the imbalance between the content of biogenic amines in the blood and their level of excretion, as well as oxidative stress at delirium tremens depends on polyneuropathy.

About the authors

Konstantin A Babin

Chelyabinsk Regional Clinical Drug Treatment Hospital

454007, Chelyabinsk, 40th October Anniversary, 36

Dmitry B Vinogradov

Chelyabinsk Regional Clinical Drug Treatment Hospital

454007, Chelyabinsk, 40th October Anniversary, 36

Boris V Izarovsky

Chelyabinsk Regional Clinical Drug Treatment Hospital

454007, Chelyabinsk, 40th October Anniversary, 36


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Copyright (c) 2014 Babin K.A., Vinogradov D.B., Izarovsky B.V.

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