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There was given a definition of «alien» limb. There were revealed and considered the main forms of this phenomena with detailed coverage of the history of this syndrome. Differential diagnostics of this phenomenon was studied. Classification of «alien» limb syndrome was offered. A clinical supervision was presented.

About the authors

Sabina E Munasipova

Kazan state medical university

department of neurology and rehabilitation 420012 Каzan, Butlerov street, 49

Zuleikha A Zalyalova

Kazan state medical university

department of neurology and rehabilitation 420012 Каzan, Butlerov street, 49

Enver I Bogdanov

Kazan state medical university

department of neurology and rehabilitation 420012 Каzan, Butlerov street, 49

Aidar R Sagdeev

Otdelenchesky clinical hospital on the station Kazan

420061, Kazan, N. Ershov str., 65


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Copyright (c) 2013 Munasipova S.E., Zalyalova Z.A., Bogdanov E.I., Sagdeev A.R.

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