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Clinical features of disorders which have central sensitivity syndrome in its nature are reviewed in this article. Also clinical features and treatment of fibromyalgia syndrome, irritable bowel syndrome, myofascial pain syndrome, tension-type headache, migraine, interstitial cystitis, primary dysmenorrheal are considered.

About the authors

Radyey G Esin

Kazan state medical academy

Email: radyesin@gmail.com
department of neurology and manual therapy 420012, Каzan, Мushtari street 11

Oleg R Esin

Republican clinical hospial №2 HM RT

Каzan, Chekhov street, 1а

Elvira R Mukhametova

Kazan state medical academy

department of neurology and manual therapy 420012, Каzan, Мushtari street 11

Nailya Z Lotfullina

Republican clinical hospial №2 HM RT

Каzan, Chekhov street, 1а


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Copyright (c) 2013 Esin R.G., Esin O.R., Mukhametova E.R., Lotfullina N.Z.

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