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The role of cognitive style and flexibility in alcohol dependence formation was evaluated in 157 adolescents and young males with alcohol dependence (main group, MG), 187 responders of control group without any signs of alcohol consumption problem and the comparison group of 110 male alcoholics with statistically significant older age and longer period of dependence than in MG and typically representing population tendencies for alcohol dependant male patients. Wisconsin Card Sorting Test has been used as a valid diagnostic instrument. There had not been noticed coarse and vivid lesions of cognitive style and flexibility, but there were revealed statistically reliable changes, evidencing the deficit of problem-solving behavior in this group.

About the authors

Andrei V Kopytov

Belorussian State Medical University; Republican Scientific and Practical Center for Mental Health

department of psychiatry and medical psychology 220053, the Republic of Belorussia, Minsk, Dolginovsky trakt, 152

Oleg A Skugarevsky

Belorussian State Medical University

department of psychiatry and medical psychology 220053, the Republic of Belorussia, Minsk, Dolginovsky trakt, 152

Victor G Obyedkov

Belorussian State Medical University; Republican Scientific and Practical Center for Mental Health

department of psychiatry and medical psychology 220053, the Republic of Belorussia, Minsk, Dolginovsky trakt, 152


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Copyright (c) 2013 Kopytov A.V., Skugarevsky O.A., Obyedkov V.G.

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