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This review presents particularities of etiology, clinical presentation, neuroimaging and treatment of infarctions in posterior cerebral artery territory in the view of contemporary data. Timely identification of posterior cerebral artery infarction gives a doctor an opportunity to determine treatment tactic of the patient as early as possible and consider the possibility (if there are no contradictions) of performing thrombolytic therapy, thus doing the prognosis more favorable for the patient.

About the authors

Ildar A Khasanov

1) Kazan state medical university;2) Republic clinical hospital of Tatarstan republic

кафедра неврологии и реабилитации; 1) Казанский государственный медицинский университет;2) Республиканская клиническая больница МЗ РТ; 1) Kazan state medical university;2) Republic clinical hospital of Tatarstan republic


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