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This article presents the main study results of prevalence of alcoholism among the residents of the Trans-Baikalian territory, died because of somatic diseases. It is established, that the alcoholic disease in medical-preventive institutions as the main disease was diagnosed in 11,7 % of the dead, as background pathology - in 17, % cases of the total number of autopsies, and as a concomitant disease - 12,9% of the cases. In home conditions an alcoholic disease as a major disease was met in 10, 4 % of deaths. The obtained data convincingly demonstrate the role of the alcohol factor in worsening of somatic health of the population.

About the authors

Аnatoly V Sakharov

Chitinsky state medical academy

кафедра психиатрии, наркологии и медицинской психологии; Читинская государственная медицинская академия; Chitinsky state medical academy


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Copyright (c) 2012 Sakharov А.V.

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