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Based on the literature and our own experimental data, various neuropsychological aspects of aggression and suicidal behavior are discussed. In individuals with suicidal behavior significant changes of the functional brain asymmetry in all levels - metabolic, structural and functional - are observed. Lateralization profile changes in suicidal behavior include motor, sensory and cognitive asymmetry. Persons with suicidal behavior are likely to have their own neuropsychological patterns that differ from those without suicidal behavior. The dependence between level of aggressiveness and hostility and the preponderance of the left motor and sensory profiles of asymmetry together with the predominance of right-hemisphere activity have been found. These data indicate to the existence of a correlation between brain asymmetry and human aggression.

About the authors

Оleg V Ivanov

Psychoneurology Dispensary № 2

Psychoneurology Dispensary № 2

Аlexei Yu Еgorov

1) I.M. Sechenov Institute of Evolutionary Physiology and Biochemistry of RAS;2) St. Petersburg State University

1) лаборатория нейрофизиологии и патологии поведения;2) кафедра психиатрии и наркологии медицинского факультета; 1) Институт эволюционной физиологии и биохимии им. И.М. Сеченова РАН;2) Санкт-Петербургский государственный университет; 1) I.M. Sechenov Institute of Evolutionary Physiology and Biochemistry of RAS;2) St. Petersburg State University


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