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Movement disorders at lesions of the upper motor neuron caused by damage of brain and (or) the spinal cord and leading to the formation of spastic paresis and paralysis are one of the most common causes of disability among neurological patients. A correct understanding of the pathophysiological basis of clinical manifestations of the formation of the upper motor neuron lesion makes it possible to choose the most appropriate and successful methods of predictive correction.
Using botulinum therapy in conjunction with non-pharmacological methods of rehabilitation to reduce the activity of phasic and tonic reflexes to stretch of associated reductions, synkinesis, spastic dystonia and spasticity will improve muscle elasticity and mobility of the limbs, reduce dependence on others, eliminate pain, joint stiffness, infection, and strain soft tissues.

About the authors

Zuleikha A Zalyalova

Каzan state medical university

Email: zuleyha66@mail.ru
кафедра неврологии и реабилитации; Казанский государственный медицинский университет; Каzan state medical university


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