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There were analyzed the latest developments in direct, not mediated by transplantation transfected delivery cells of therapeutic genes to stimulate posttraumatic neurogeneration. We present results of their research on two experimental models of neurotrauma. Direct one-time delivery to the damaged area of therapeutic cloning of human genes vegf and fgf2 using non-viral vectors improves post-traumatic regeneration of peripheral nerve and spinal cord. Direct injection of plasmid DNA directly into the damaged area is a little less efficient delivery of the same therapeutic genes to the cellular carriers in their immediate area of transplantation in contusion spinal cord injury, and by some measures even surpasses it. Prospects for improving the efficiency of direct gene therapy is associated with the use of synthetic platform based on biocompatible and biosoluble materials.

About the authors

Yury A Chelyshev

Kazan State Medical University

кафедра гистологии, цитологии и эмбриологии; Казанский государственный медицинский университет; Kazan State Medical University

Yana O Мukhamedshina

Kazan State Medical University

кафедра гистологии, цитологии и эмбриологии; Казанский государственный медицинский университет; Kazan State Medical University

Gulnara F Shaimardanova

Institute of Russian Academy of Sciences, Kazan Institute of Biochemistry and Biophysics, Kazan Scientific Center of RAS

лаборатория молекулярных основ патогенеза; Учреждение Российской академии наук Казанский институт биохимии и биофизики КазНЦ РАН; Institute of Russian Academy of Sciences, Kazan Institute of Biochemistry and Biophysics, Kazan Scientific Center of RAS

Stanislav I Nickolaev

Kazan State Medical University

кафедра гистологии, цитологии и эмбриологии; Казанский государственный медицинский университет; Kazan State Medical University


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Copyright (c) 2012 Chelyshev Y.A., Мukhamedshina Y.O., Shaimardanova G.F., Nickolaev S.I.

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