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The types of neuropsychological correction were considered and the conclusion about the effectiveness of this type of intervention and its important role in the treatment of schizophrenia was made. Cognitive impairment, observed in patients at schizophrenia are deficits of constitute executive functions, learning, memory, attention, tempo and dynamics of cognitive processes. They became the basis of the concept of neurocognitive deficits, a popular over the past twenty years. There was established interconnection between neurocognitive deficits and functional state of patients. As the awareness of the functional significance of neurocognitive deficits in schizophrenia is increasing, as interest in their correction is rising. Neuropsychological correction is a way of non-drug treatment of manifestations of neurocognitive deficits in schizophrenia.

About the authors

Gennady L Gurevich

FGBU «NSC Addiction» Health Ministry of Russia

отделение психотерапии; ФГБУ «ННЦ наркологии» Минздравсоцразвития России; FGBU «NSC Addiction» Health Ministry of Russia

Olga V Rychkova

FGBU «NSC Addiction» Health Ministry of Russia

отделение психотерапии; ФГБУ «ННЦ наркологии» Минздравсоцразвития России; FGBU «NSC Addiction» Health Ministry of Russia


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