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In the review the unprecedented trend of world tendencies in growth of overweight and obesity of inhabitants of the majority of the countries is shown. The short analysis of the basic researches of psychological problems in obesity is presented. Various data of researches with detailed elaboration of the received results concerning the connection between depressive disorders and obesity are cited. Various methodological approaches and views on this problem are shown. In spite of the prevalence of researches confirming association of obesity with depressive disorders, some works don't share this similar linear position. Large researches are devoted to the ratio of suicides and their ways of committing, together with antisuicidal factors in obesity. Any practicing doctor should know this.

About the authors

Nikolai A Kornetov

Siberian state medical university

кафедра психиатрии, наркологии и психотерапии ФПК и ППС; Сибирский государственный медицинский университет; Siberian state medical university

Оleg A Yarosh

Siberian state medical university

кафедра психиатрии, наркологии и психотерапии ФПК и ППС; Сибирский государственный медицинский университет; Siberian state medical university


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Copyright (c) 2011 Kornetov N.A., Yarosh О.A.

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