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There were considered clinical forms and were analyzed the obtained data on pathogenesis, diagnostics and treatment of cervical spinal stenosis. Differential diagnostics of cervical myelopathy is rather complex, but the detailed clinical analysis, use of modern investigation methods make it possible to establish nosological diagnosis, to assess severity of lesion, to choose appropriate therapy and define the disease prognosis.

About the authors

Chulpan R Nurmieva

Каzan state medical university

Email: chulpan.nurmieva@mail.ru
кафедра неврологии и реабилитации; Казанский государственный медицинский университет; Каzan state medical university

Enver I Bogdanov

Каzan state medical university

кафедра неврологии и реабилитации; Казанский государственный медицинский университет; Каzan state medical university


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