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Special features and methods in young children neuropsychological evaluation were examined. Ontogenesis peculiarities were shown, on which principle diagnostic principle formation is based. Classification of methods was offered with description of further usage of the obtained results. There were considered risks and approaches to neurological study of early age children.

About the authors

Oxana V Abramova

Institute of psychology, sociology and social relationships, Moscow State Educational University

кафедра клинической и специальной психологии; Московский городской педагогический университет, Институт психологии, социологии и социальных отношений; Institute of psychology, sociology and social relationships, Moscow State Educational University

Boris M Kogan

Institute of psychology, sociology and social relationships, Moscow State Educational University

Email: boriskogan@mail.ru
кафедра клинической и специальной психологии; Московский городской педагогический университет, Институт психологии, социологии и социальных отношений; Institute of psychology, sociology and social relationships, Moscow State Educational University


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