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Cognitive disorders determine a decline of social adaptation and are in fact the leading clinical parameters which predict disability. One of the promising directions of treatment of cognitive deficit is including a neurocognitive training in rehabilitation programs. To analyze the effectiveness of neurocognitive training and drug therapy we recruited 2 groups of patients. The first group had neurocognitive trainings, the second was control group. Rehabilitation of cognitive functions are greatly influenced by (in descending order) drug therapy, neurocognitive trainings and their combination, evidencing the effectiveness of neurocognitive training influence on correction of neurocognitive deficit. The obtained data prove that neurocognitive trainings can be part of complex treatment of patients with schizophrenia and are another method shown to be effective in the arsenal for the treatment of schizophrenia.

About the authors

Alexander G Sofronov

Меdical academy of post-graduation education

Email: rectorat@spbmapo
кафедра психиатрии; Медицинская академия последипломного образования; Меdical academy of post-graduation education

Аnna А Spikina

Psychoneurologic dispensary №2

Psychoneurologic dispensary №2

Аndrei P Saveljev

Меdical academy of post-graduation education

Email: rectorat@spbmapo
кафедра психиатрии; Медицинская академия последипломного образования; Меdical academy of post-graduation education

Jury А Parfenov

St. Petersburg state institute of psychology and social work

кафедра психологического консультирования; Санкт-Петербургский государственный институт психологии и социальной работы; St. Petersburg state institute of psychology and social work


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Copyright (c) 2011 Sofronov A.G., Spikina А.А., Saveljev А.P., Parfenov J.А.

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