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103 patients with brachialgia have been surveyed for studying vertebral, neural and myofascial disorders on the basis of the anamnesis, clinical inspection, and manual tastings with application of beam methods research. It is shown that the painful syndrome of shoulder area with dysfunction of a humeral joint has a multi-component character that should be taken into account at the differentiated therapy with an estimation of pathogenetic mechanisms.

About the authors

Sergey G Stepnev

Municipal clinical hospital № 5

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Municipal clinical hospital № 5

Rashid A Altunbaev

Каzan state medical university

кафедра неврологии и реабилитации; Казанский государственный медицинский университет; Каzan state medical university


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Copyright (c) 2011 Stepnev S.G., Altunbaev R.A.

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