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The article discusses brain perfusion patterns, based on perfusion CT, assessed in patients with different stenotic lesions or occlusion of the internal carotid arteries. Perfusion asymmetry is observed, most prominent in patients with one-side internal carotid artery occlusion.

About the authors

Tatiana Anatolievna Nemirovskaya

1) Interregional clinical and diagnostic centre; 2) Каzan state medical academy

Email: tatyana.bondareva@gmail.com
1) Interregional clinical and diagnostic centre; 2) Каzan state medical academy

Alexander Michailovich Nemirovskiy

1) Interregional clinical and diagnostic centre;2) Каzan state medical university

1) Interregional clinical and diagnostic centre;2) Каzan state medical university

Murat Masgutovich Ibatullin

1) Interregional clinical and diagnostic centre,2) Каzan state medical university

1) Interregional clinical and diagnostic centre,2) Каzan state medical university

Valeriy Ivsnovich Danilov

1) Interregional clinical and diagnostic centre,2) Каzan state medical university

1) Interregional clinical and diagnostic centre,2) Каzan state medical university

Mars Konstantinovich Mikhailov

Каzan state medical academy

Каzan state medical academy

Andrey Georgievich Alekseev

1) Interregional clinical and diagnostic centre;2) Каzan state medical university

1) Interregional clinical and diagnostic centre;2) Каzan state medical university


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Copyright (c) 2010 Nemirovskaya T.A., Nemirovskiy A.M., Ibatullin M.M., Danilov V.I., Mikhailov M.K., Alekseev A.G.

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