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There were presented results of many-sided perspective randomized comparative clinical study of Russian preparation Interferon-Beta-1b - ronbetal and of original preparation Betaferon. During 7,5 months of taking of these preparations there was conducted a monthly magnetic resonance tomography together with intravenous injection of paramagnetic contrast agent. This clinical investigation has demonstrated equal safety, tolerance and effectiveness of Ronbetal and Interferon.

About the authors

Еkaterina Vadimovna Baidina

Neurology Scientific Centre Of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences

Neurology Scientific Centre Of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences

Аlexei Nikolaevich Boyko

1) Russian State Medical University of the Russian Health Ministry,2) Моscow city centre of Multiple Sclerosis on the base of city clinical hospital №11

1) Russian State Medical University of the Russian Health Ministry,2) Моscow city centre of Multiple Sclerosis on the base of city clinical hospital №11

Vasily Valerjevich Brukhov

Neurology Scientific Centre Of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences

Neurology Scientific Centre Of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences

Еvgeny Ivanovich Gusev

1) Russian State Medical University of the Russian Health Ministry,2) Моscow city centre of Multiple Sclerosis on the base of city clinical hospital №11

1) Russian State Medical University of the Russian Health Ministry,2) Моscow city centre of Multiple Sclerosis on the base of city clinical hospital №11

Lubov Vladimirovna Dubchak

Clinic of nervous diseases, named after I.М. Sechenov of Russian Health Ministry

Clinic of nervous diseases, named after I.М. Sechenov of Russian Health Ministry

Igor Alexeevich Zavalishin

Neurology Scientific Centre Of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences

Neurology Scientific Centre Of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences

Roman Аlexeevich Ivanov

Biotechnical company "BIOCAD"

Biotechnical company "BIOCAD"

Sergei Vikyorovich Коtov

Moskovsky Regional Research Clinical Institute, named after M.F. Vladimirsky

Moskovsky Regional Research Clinical Institute, named after M.F. Vladimirsky

Маrina Viktorovna Кrotenkova

Neurology Scientific Centre Of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences

Neurology Scientific Centre Of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences

Veronica Igorevna Par

Biotechnical company "BIOCAD"

Biotechnical company "BIOCAD"

Таtyana Еvgenievna Shmidt

Clinic of nervous diseases, named after I.М. Sechenov of Russian Health Ministry

Clinic of nervous diseases, named after I.М. Sechenov of Russian Health Ministry

Sergei Gennadievich Schur

Моscow city centre of Multiple Sclerosis on the base of city clinical hospital №11

Моscow city centre of Multiple Sclerosis on the base of city clinical hospital №11

Nikolai Nikolaevich Jahno

Clinic of nervous diseases, named after I.М. Sechenov of Russian Health Ministry

Clinic of nervous diseases, named after I.М. Sechenov of Russian Health Ministry


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Copyright (c) 2010 Baidina Е.V., Boyko А.N., Brukhov V.V., Gusev Е.I., Dubchak L.V., Zavalishin I.A., Ivanov R.А., Коtov S.V., Кrotenkova М.V., Par V.I., Shmidt Т.Е., Schur S.G., Jahno N.N.

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